Jolie Starr: Owning a Business and Fulfilling a Need in the Fashion Industry

Jolie Starr is a former sports reporter turned entrepreneur. She launched her online boutique, Wendy Drew Boutique, in January of 2021, and her small business has rapidly grown into a not-so-small-business with over 17,000 followers on Instagram.

In this episode, Jolie shares her journey to and at the University of Miami, career in sports broadcasting, and shift into the fashion industry. Jolie dives in depth describing what it takes to run a company and explains certain business decisions she has faced the past year and a half to cater to a need she has found through personal experience. Plus, Jolie relates PWYFA Play Where Your Feet Areā„¢ to her own life and business!

Enjoy Season 2, Episode 1! Click here to listen.

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