Madison Dill McDermott: Student. Athlete. Mother.

Madison Dill McDermott played volleyball at the University of Miami from 2016-2020. She was a student, athlete, and mother during her time at The U, and she joins the PWYFA Play Where Your Feet Are™ Podcast to tell her story for the first time in full and on the record!

This episode is extra special in more ways than one. As PWYFA Play Where Your Feet Are™ continues growing, I have made it a priority to incorporate the community into each step, and that has begun with its beginning — the involvement of my friends, family, and mentors in shooting, editing, assisting, marketing, and now — as a VOICE on the podcast itself! Not only do I now have one of my best friends on the podcast, but this episode is actually the first guest episode I ever recorded!

After listening to today’s episode you will be encouraged to Play Where Your Feet Are just like Madi has done and continues to do. Take a listen — and be inspired by how God has truly ordered the steps of her life. 

Enjoy Season 1, Episode 5! Click here to listen or watch below!

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