God’s Design is My Desire: Sex and Relationships | Cameron Dobbs

Today, we launch our first Solo ‘Sode of the season!

On this episode, Cameron Dobbs breaks down her most recent sermon from South Carolina. The topic? Sex and relationships.

She speaks on the main points of stewarding, submitting, seeking God, and shielding your heart + the insecurities she faced while preparing to preach!

Cameron dives into identity, body image, singleness, and more. Included: steward, submit, seek God, and shield your heart. Not included: shame 🙅🏼‍♀️

Scripture referenced ⬇️

  • Proverbs 31
  • Luke 19
  • Matthew 22
  • Genesis 1:28
  • Ephesians 5:31
  • Psalm 37:4
  • Genesis 2:18
  • Matthew 5:30
  • Acts 2:38

Enjoy Season 2, Episode 11! Click here to listen or watch below!

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